With exercise and exertion, it’s easy to deplete electrolytes. This is because any form of training or strenuous activity can cause perspiration, and that perspiration depletes water. Some medications along with liver and kidney issues can also disrupt the body’s delicate water balance.
But electrolytes, making up a certain percentage of the water we lose, affect our energy levels, our muscle function, even important processes in our brain. And while hydration can replenish fluids, you might still need to restore lost electrolytes as well. The Advanced Electrolyte Formula from Herbal Forest is a smart and effective way to boost your body’s own natural fuel and electrolyte stores.
Our Advanced Electrolyte Formula can help to fortify your body without adding extra calories and sugar you don’t need. Fuel your workout with just the right balance of potassium, calcium, and magnesium along with sodium, chloride, phosphorous, and Vitamin D-3—all concentrated within one convenient and fast-dissolving dietary supplement. Loaded with energy-replenishing ingredients, Herbal Forest can help you unlock your full fitness and wellness potential.
What exactly are electrolytes? Some of the most common include potassium, sodium, magnesium, chloride, and calcium. And the level you need each day will depend on several factors, from the amount of water you drink to your age and activity level.
Much like the electricity required to power our gadgets and electronics, electrolytes are there to keep our body performing at its peak. Found in tissues, blood, and other fluids, they help in maintaining sufficient energy levels and assist with muscle contraction—including the proper functioning of our heart. Your muscles, organs, and cells depend on electrolytes to regulate fluids including that in blood plasma. Electrolytes also support blood clotting and pH levels, tissue building, and normal heart functioning. And let’s not forget their work in supporting the transmission of nerve signals between the heart and various muscles along with nerves and other cells. In short, electrolytes are critical not only to our well-being but also to our survival.
A healthy diet can play a part in maintaining a sufficient balance of electrolytes to keep everything running as it should. Foods like spinach, avocados, kale, broccoli and beans are particularly high in electrolytes as are strawberries, tomatoes, and tofu. But deficiencies can still occur.
Maintaining the right balance of water and electrolytes is an essential part of physical fitness and our overall wellness. But water levels change with exertion, and we can become either dehydrated or overhydrated. If electrolytes sink too low, exhaustion also sets in making us feel drained and weak. And if kept unchecked, those electrolyte deficiencies can lead to painful leg cramping, muscle spasms and numbness, constipation, irritability, irregular breathing—even more serious heart problems.
So it’s important to maintain the proper balance of both water and electrolytes in your system. The first step is drinking plenty of fluids as you perspire to stay hydrated. But you might need to replace the electrolytes you’ve lost, as well. Some athletes accomplish this with a combined approach—consuming sports drinks to restore both water and electrolyte levels. But many popular sports drinks can contain as much as eight teaspoons of sugar per serving, and those are calories we simply don’t need. Sugar can also weigh you down and harm your fitness progress. And though sports drinks may seem an easy fix, all of that excess sugar can cause weight gain, dental cavities—even diabetes.
Herbal Forest designed our Advanced Electrolyte Formula in convenient capsule format to replenish the body’s electrolytes without the added sugar. Enjoy a dietary supplement that was carefully formulated to enhance wellness, support endurance, and boost recovery. Stay on the top of your game and still feel and perform your best by maintaining the essential electrolyte balance your body needs.